Lamb's lettuce automation

Product description


A system has been developed by Koppert Machines which enables sowing, harvesting and packaging in an entirely automated manner. The greenhouse must be built in a way that it is possible to fix rails to the greenhouse poles at a height of 3 metres. The so-called overhead crop cars run through the entire greenhouse over these rails. There are a total of 3 overhead crop cars, which includes one overhead crop car for the sowing machine, one for the harvesting/bunching machine and one for the shuttle. A mother car ensures the movement of the overhead crop car of the sowing, bunching robot and shuttle above the concrete path from one cap to the other. The mother car rides over the concrete path via a guided rail. The mother car is operated manually, and it is supplied electrically with a supply voltage of 380 Volt.

The harvest robot

The bunching robot is a completely programmed machine, which is capable of harvesting cap width. The bunching robot is programmed by software. Since the bunching robot is suspended by the overhead crop car, the machine moves above the ground, due to which the ground remains airy and there is less susceptibility to disease. The bunching robot is manned by 1 person, who only controls the process. It is possible to have the yield increased by robotising the bunching machine.

Mother car

The mother car rides over a rail constructed specially for this purpose. The bunching robot is connected to the overhead crop car. The overhead crop car will assume the speed of the sowing or harvesting process in its pass. The speed of the overhead crop car is adjusted by drive motors with synchronous adjustment both to the left and right. The overhead crop car is fully self-supporting. A power pack or battery pack takes care of the power supply of both the overhead crop car and the harvesting and sowing machine. The entire control is done by a microprocessor. The overhead crop car is operated and controlled by 1 person. This person has a seat in the overhead crop car.

Various options can be discussed with our representatives.


Customised specifically for the client
Various versions and models